8 things that are best hidden from children

Children - like little superagents, notice many trifles. But still there are things that you need to try to keep secret.

8 things that are best hidden from children

Certainly, to be honest and frank with the child and give him an example is important, but there are exceptions to the rules. Here is a list of 8 things that are best hidden from the child.

1. How much bad food do you eat?

You try to control the amount of sugar in your food, but there are a couple of problems. To refuse night snacks was so difficult, and a croissant for breakfast - it's so damn delicious! But children take an example from you, look at the food culture at home and will not understand why you can, but they can not. So while you yourself will not give up sweet and fast food, hide it from children as much as possible.

2. As a child, you also hated vegetables

This mystery is hidden by many parents: in childhood they also hated vegetables. Many children go through "picky" stages in food, then refusing all green, then picking onions from soup. But if you want to instill in your children the love of healthy food, there's nothing to be done - you'll have to tell a fairy tale about how you loved broccoli and onions in childhood.

3. Parents also swear

There is no relationship in which the partners never quarrel. The way in which the conflict is eventually resolved depends on you. On your example, children will either learn to control their own emotions and resolve disputes, or take an example from a mother who says that their dad is a goat. But no matter how angry or upset after the quarrel you were, in no case can you take out negative feelings on the child or use it as a consolation. Children should never feel that they should calm their parents or take sides during a quarrel.

4. When they fall asleep, you have a "party"

Two hours between the children's and their own retreat on the concentration of entertainment are comparable with the whole evening of Friday. Finally, you can take a bath with essential oils, drink wine, watch a movie, chew on chips and chat with your husband. And sex! But if you even hinted to the child about their plans for the evening - you can say goodbye to them. He will do everything not to fall asleep and spend that time with you.

5. Give birth - it hurts

The first time the child asks where the children are coming from, you can answer evasively. But one day a five-year-old girl will understand that in her belly there will someday be a child - and there will be a trillion questions. You can honestly tell about everything, except that childbirth was the most painful torture in your life - this will create a child's indelibly bad idea of ​​this natural and beautiful process.

6. Adults are afraid of nuclear weapons

We live in a terrible and dangerous time. Regardless of political views (or lack thereof), the idea of ​​nuclear weapons or terrorist attacks sometimes visits everyone. Share your anxiety with a friend, spouse, therapist - anyone, but not with a child.

Older children already learn some information at school and on the Internet, but this does not mean that they are psychologically ready to understand something as horrible as terrorism. If, however, the speech about this all the same has come, do not show your excitement and panic, speak calmly and clearly.

7. Your financial situation

Times can be heavy. Perhaps you lost your job and are under stress. But do your best to keep the children feeling normal normal life. Yes, they may have to give up some excesses - but it's much easier to do when mom and dad are calm and give a sense of security.

8. Secrets of other children, which they tell their parents

All that other parents tell you about their children is a secret that you can never share with your children. How would you not trust them. Firstly, if children communicate and know each other, it can provoke an awkward situation, and secondly, so you will not give the child an extra reason to learn to gossip and tell other people's secrets.

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