Arrhythmia and pregnancy: what to do?

After conception, the woman's body begins to change significantly. The kid tries to adjust the resources of the mother's body for himself. This affects both the heart and blood vessels, so that sinus arrhythmia is as frequent as pigmented spots or depression in a pregnant woman. But what to do, what are the symptoms, causes and treatment of arrhythmia read below.

Arrhythmia and pregnancy: what to do?

Causes of arrhythmia

Speaking of arrhythmia in pregnant women, most often implies sinus tachycardia. If the heart starts to beat much more often, the following factors can cause this:
  • a sharp increase in the circulating blood, the formation of additional circulation between the infant and maternal organisms and, accordingly, the increasing strain on the heart with which the body of the expectant mother can not quickly cope;
  • hyperactivity of the nervous system (sympathetic);
  • emotional instability, susceptibility to stress or frequent depression;
  • prolonged toxicosis;
  • anemia, anemia;
  • thyroid disease;
  • lack of trace elements: especially iodine, potassium and iron;
  • exacerbation of chronic (old) diseases: heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, pathology of ways of impulse, etc.

The first symptoms
  • dizziness combined with a knock in the temples, reddening of the cheeks, "flies" before the eyes;
  • feeling of interruptions in the heart (rapidity, irregularity);
  • shortness of breath, a slight decrease in appetite;
  • frequent, but barely perceptible pulse;
  • loss of consciousness and nausea (sometimes even vomiting), tremor of limbs, a feeling of suffocation.

What to do?

Arrhythmia during pregnancy can affect the fetus, because blood supply and oxygen supply depends on the mother's body. And if he works with interruptions, then the baby will have to suffer. So, with the first symptoms you must immediately go to the doctor. The specialist will prescribe an ECG or ultrasound, will assign tests and identify the cause of the problem.

Further, depending on the cause, will prescribe supporting or medicamentous therapy. So, if the arrhythmia caused a shortage of any trace elements or vitamins - will recommend to diversify the diet and add the necessary products to it. In case of exacerbation of old heart diseases, will carry out a more thorough examination and together with your gynecologist appoint the necessary treatment.

If the arrhythmia has arisen, because you have depression (and this condition is not uncommon), it will recommend increasing the activity of life. And if you have any fears or concerns: for example, pigmentation spots, weight gain, fetal safety, etc. - appoint a consultation of a psychologist. But it is not necessary to be hypochondriac, as studies have shown, arrhythmia occurs only in 11% of pregnant women. And in order not to worry at all in such a special period, it is best to make a large-scale visit to all doctors, including a cardiologist, in advance. And then all the expectation of the baby will be in joy, and the baby is born healthy.

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