How to make herbal tea for liver cleansing

Herbal tea with choleretic effect is an excellent tool for cleansing the body.

How to make herbal tea for liver cleansing
To get rid of extra pounds, you need to establish a balanced diet and make easy disruption + detox. Cleansing the body is best done at the end of April-May, at the end of July-August and at the end of November in December.

How to clean the liver with herbs

Cleansing the liver with medicinal herbs and fees is considered the most mild method of recovery. The best cleaning herbs are milk thistle, immortelle, dandelion, wormwood, celandine, plantain, nettle, chicory, mint, dog rose, fumigi and stigma of corn.

During the change of seasons, for about two weeks, brew and drink corn stigmas and calendula instead of tea. And to conduct a rehabilitation course for the liver, for 5-7 days you need to take herbal fees. Goose-foot, blue cornflower, hiccup and linen will help relieve spasms of the intrahepatic ducts. And to thin the bile, corn stigmas, calendula and dogrose are suitable. Mix these herbs and fill 1 tsp. Collect 1 cup of boiling water.

At the end of the course of cleansing, you can drink a hepatoprotector based on immortelle, milk thistle, celandine, chicken, artichoke, yarrow or cassia.

Recipes of cholagogue tea

These infusions should be drunk 3 times a day for 100 ml 20 minutes before meals.
  • 2 tablespoons Mixture of dried St. John's wort (2 parts) and immortelle (3 parts) pour 500 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. Leave to stand overnight before use.
  • Mix 150 g of birch leaves, 150 g of St. John's wort, 200 g of mint leaves, 200 g of rose hips and 100 g of renal tea. Separate 1 tablespoon. Mixture, add 300 ml of hot water and boil for 5 minutes. Leave to stand for 4 hours.
If you have liver, kidney, pancreas or intestinal disease, clean only under the supervision of a doctor. Also it is necessary to exclude from the diet fried, fatty, smoked products, as well as products of synthetic origin (canned food, semi-finished products, chips).

Which foods are most useful for the liver?

If you feel heaviness in your side and bitterness in your mouth, what foods will help you soothe the liver.

In our mad life, we continually overload our unfortunate liver with all sorts of excesses. That piece of the cake will be cleared after a hearty dinner, then against the trifling shish kebab we can not resist ... Who without sin, let him throw a skewer in me. A liver, poor, tolerate, tolerate, and even rebel. And get a weight in the side and bitterness in your mouth. But what kind of food will help the liver calm, says dietitian-gastroenterologist Svetlana Berezhnaya. So, the most useful products for the liver:
  • Pumpkin in all forms (though porridge, even pancakes), pumpkin seeds. 
  • Vegetable soups - vegetarian or on strained meat broth. 
  • Lean light meat (veal, turkey, chicken breast) in boiled, baked without butter, steam cutlets. 
  • Lean fish (cod, pike perch, carp, saffron) in steam or baked form. 
  • Curd fat content is less than 2% (100-200 g per day), and also curdled milk, kefir, tan (the national Caucasian sour-milk drink). 
  • Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, from cereal flakes. 
  • Vegetable oils, especially olive cold pressed. 
  • Vegetables in a boiled form, with good tolerability - in the form of fresh salads with butter. 
  • Dried apricots and raisins. 
  • Kissels, jellies, puddings. 
  • Bread grain, better dried. 
  • Broths of wild rose and chamomile.
On a note 
The liver - the largest organ in the human body, can weigh up to 1.5 kg. Her cells - hepatocytes - are responsible for vital processes: processing of proteins, carbohydrates, processing of fats and removal of decay products from the body.
The liver has a remarkable ability to self-repair. Even the whole liver removed in the operation is rebuilt anew a few weeks later.

Proven folk methods of liver cleansing:
  • Peel several beetheads, cook for two hours - until the vegetables become a homogeneous mass. Drink the resulting broth for three quarters of a glass several times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Corn hairs or fibers have a good effect. They need to brew and drink like tea. The treatment time is quite long, sometimes lasts about six months.
  • Half a cup of cabbage brine mixed with half a glass of natural tomato juice. Drink three meals a day after meals for two weeks.
  • Good effect on the liver drink, prepared from fresh vegetables - carrots (200 grams), parsley (50 grams), celery (150 g), drink it should be every day for a month in the morning on an empty stomach.

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