7 Reasons to take a bath, not a shower

Bath is a good way to not only relax at the end of a long day, but also get at least 7 health benefits. Why should I set aside half an hour to soak in a warm bath.

7 Reasons to take a bath, not a shower

1. Bath with sea salt slows down aging

Sea salt activates metabolic processes in tissues, improves blood circulation, regenerates cells, relieves swelling and improves skin elasticity. Add in a warm bath 200-300 g of natural sea salt without dyes and perfumes and lie in it for 20 minutes.

2. The bath relieves muscle pain

Warm water relaxes the muscles, helping them to recover faster after physical exertion. In addition, various salts or essential oils can be added to the water, which will also help alleviate the pain.

3. The bath cleanses the skin in the same way as the shower

Many people find the bath less hygienic than a shower. In fact, if you take a bath after a normal day, it cleans the skin no worse than a shower. In addition, the bath helps to better open the pores and prevent the appearance of acne. Give priority to the soul is only after sports, work in the garden or a beach holiday.

4. Hot bath helps reduce blood sugar

Half an hour spent in a moderately hot bath can reduce the level of sugar and glucose in the blood. A study published in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology proves that people taking a bath 6 times a week for at least half an hour lose a minimum of 1 kg a month, without changing the diet and lifestyle.

5. Bath helps to lose weight

The bath can burn more calories than training in the gym. The fact is that hot water makes the heart work faster and stronger, stimulating blood circulation, removing excess fluid and cleaning our lymphatic system.

6. The bath is good for the skin

Baths with soda soothe irritated skin, relieve the symptoms of allergic and inflammatory reactions. Pour 200 g of baking soda into a hot bath and lie in it for 20 minutes. And to make the skin soft and smooth, add 50 grams of glycerin to the water.

7. The bath helps to fall asleep more quickly.

In 1985, the scientists JE Horn and EJ Reed proved that a warm bath increases body temperature, dilates blood vessels and facilitates a quick dip into sleep. In the water, you can add a few drops of lavender, pink or chamomile oil - they have calming properties and help you sleep easier.

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